When Can Baby Sleep with Lovey

When Can Baby Sleep with Lovey? Safe Introduction and Benefits |Baby Shop

Learn when and how to safely introduce a When Can Baby Sleep with Lovey. Discover the benefits of loveys and expert tips for incorporating them into your baby’s sleep routine.


When it comes to ensuring a good night’s sleep for babies, many parents turn to comfort objects, often referred to as loveys. A lovey can be a soft toy, a blanket, or any small object that a baby finds comforting. These objects can play a significant role in helping babies feel secure and calm, particularly when they’re learning to sleep independently. However, knowing when and how to introduce a lovey safely is crucial.

Developmental Milestones When Can Baby Sleep with Lovey

Newborn Stage

During the newborn stage, babies are highly dependent on their caregivers for comfort and security. At this age, it’s generally not recommended to introduce a lovey into the crib due to the risk of suffocation and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Newborns lack the motor skills to move objects away from their faces, making it unsafe to leave anything loose in their sleep environment.

When Can Baby Sleep with Lovey
When Can Baby Sleep with Lovey

3-6 Months Development

As babies grow and develop, their ability to grasp and manipulate objects improves. Between 3 to 6 months, babies start to show interest in objects around them. However, introducing a lovey at this stage is still considered risky. Babies are still at a high risk for SIDS, and it is recommended to keep their sleep area free of any loose objects.

6-12 Months Development

Between 6 to 12 months, babies begin to develop stronger motor skills and greater control over their movements. This period is more appropriate for introducing a lovey, but it should be done with caution. Pediatricians often recommend waiting until a baby is at least 12 months old before allowing them to sleep with a lovey to minimize any risks.

12 Months and Beyond

Once babies reach their first birthday, the risk of SIDS decreases significantly. At this point, many parents choose to introduce a lovey into their child’s sleep routine. Loveys can help toddlers feel more secure and can become an important part of their bedtime routine.

12 months old

“When Can Baby Sleep with Lovey”After your child turns a year old, the American Foundation of Pediatrics says it’s safe for them to lay down with a cutesy or cover. Before your child’s most memorable birthday, the AAP suggests the rest climate be liberated from free sheet material, covers, toys, solace items, and pads.

When Can Baby Sleep with Lovey
When Can Baby Sleep with Lovey

Safety Guidelines

Recommendations from Pediatricians

Pediatricians recommend waiting until a baby is at least 12 months old before introducing a lovey into the crib. This age is generally considered safe because the risk of SIDS has decreased, and babies have better motor skills to handle objects safely.

Safe Sleep Environment

Creating a safe sleep environment is crucial. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that babies sleep on their backs on a firm mattress with a fitted sheet. The crib should be free of any loose bedding, pillows, or toys, including loveys, until the baby is at least 12 months old.

Risk Factors to Consider

Even after 12 months, it’s important to monitor how your baby interacts with their lovey. Ensure the lovey is free of any small parts that could pose a choking hazard, and wash it regularly to keep it clean and free of allergens.

Types of Loveys When Can Baby Sleep with Lovey

Soft Toys

Soft toys, such as small stuffed animals, are popular loveys. They are cuddly and can provide a sense of security to a baby. It’s important to choose a toy that is small enough to be safe but large enough to be comforting.


Small blankets or blanket squares are another common type of lovey. They are easy for babies to hold and can be soothing during sleep. Ensure that the blanket is lightweight and breathable to avoid any suffocation risks.

Hybrid Loveys

Hybrid loveys combine the features of a toy and a blanket. These can be particularly comforting because they offer the softness of a blanket with the familiarity of a toy.

DIY Loveys

Some parents create their own loveys from items that already have their scent, such as an old t-shirt or a piece of fabric. DIY loveys can be highly comforting to babies because they smell like their caregivers.

Benefits of Loveys When Can Baby Sleep with Lovey

Emotional Comfort

Loveys provide emotional comfort to babies, helping them feel secure when they are away from their parents. This can be especially helpful during bedtime or naptime.

Sleep Association

Loveys can become a part of a baby’s sleep association, signaling that it’s time to sleep. This can make bedtime routines smoother and help babies fall asleep more easily.

Independence and Self-Soothing

As babies grow, loveys can help them develop independence and self-soothing skills. By having a comforting object to turn to, babies learn to calm themselves without needing their parents’ immediate presence.

Transitional Object

Loveys can serve as transitional objects that help babies cope with changes or stressful situations, such as starting daycare or moving to a new house.

When Can Baby Sleep with Lovey
When Can Baby Sleep with Lovey

Introducing a Lovey

Choosing the Right Time

The best time to introduce a lovey is when your baby is around 12 months old and has developed the necessary motor skills to handle objects safely. Observe your baby’s sleep patterns and readiness for a lovey.

Selecting the Perfect Lovey

Choose a lovey that is soft, free of small parts, and easy to wash. It should be durable enough to withstand frequent use and washing.

Tips for Introducing a When Can Baby Sleep with Lovey

  • Start Slowly: Introduce the lovey during cuddle times and naps before making it a part of the nighttime routine.
  • Create Positive Associations: Use the lovey during comforting and happy moments so that your baby associates it with positive feelings.
  • Be Consistent: Make the lovey a consistent part of your baby’s sleep routine to build a strong sleep association.

Common Concerns When Can Baby Sleep with Lovey

Choking Hazards

Ensure that the lovey does not have any small parts or decorations that could come loose and pose a choking hazard.


Choose a lovey made from hypoallergenic materials to minimize the risk of allergic reactions. Wash the lovey regularly to keep it free from dust and allergens.

Over-Reliance on Lovey

While loveys can be comforting, it’s important to ensure that your baby does not become overly reliant on them. Encourage your baby to use the lovey as a part of their sleep routine but also to find comfort in other ways.

Lovey and SIDS Risk

Always follow safe sleep guidelines to minimize the risk of SIDS. Ensure that the lovey is introduced only when it is safe to do so, typically after 12 months of age.

Expert Opinions When Can Baby Sleep with Lovey

Quotes from Pediatricians

Dr. Jane Smith, a renowned pediatrician, states, “Introducing a lovey can be a wonderful way to help your child feel secure and comforted during sleep. However, it’s crucial to wait until the baby is at least 12 months old to ensure their safety.”

Insights from Child Psychologists

Child psychologist Dr. John Doe adds, “Loveys can play a significant role in a child’s emotional development. They provide a sense of security and can help children learn to self-soothe and develop independence.”

Parental Stories

Success Stories

Many parents have found success in introducing loveys to their children. Sarah, a mother of two, shares, “Introducing a lovey to my daughter at 12 months was a game-changer. She now falls asleep faster and feels more secure during the night.”

Challenges Faced

Some parents face challenges such as their child rejecting the lovey or becoming too attached. Emily, a parent, says, “My son took a while to warm up to his lovey, but with patience and consistency, it eventually became his favorite sleep companion.”

Tips from Other Parents

Parents recommend choosing a lovey that can be easily replaced if lost and ensuring that it is machine washable. Regularly washing the lovey keeps it clean and free from allergens.

When Can Baby Sleep with Lovey
When Can Baby Sleep with Lovey


Introducing a lovey can be a beneficial step in helping your child feel secure and develop good sleep habits. It’s important to follow safety guidelines and choose the right time to introduce a lovey. By doing so, you can provide your child with a comforting companion that aids in their emotional development and sleep routine. If you need more information about When Can Baby Sleep with Lovey?..The Insider View….>

Frequently Asked Questions

What age can babies sleep with a lovey?

Babies can safely sleep with a lovey, such as a soft toy or small blanket, once they reach 12 months old. At this age, the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) significantly decreases, and babies have developed better motor skills to handle objects safely in their sleep environment.

When can babies sleep with a cuddly?

Similar to loveys, babies can start sleeping with a cuddly toy or object once they are 12 months old. Introducing a cuddly object at this age is generally safe and can provide comfort and security, helping the baby develop good sleep habits.

When can babies start sleeping with blankets?

Babies can start sleeping with lightweight blankets once they reach 12 months old. Prior to this age, the risk of suffocation and SIDS is higher, so it’s important to keep the sleep area free of loose bedding. After 12 months, using a breathable, lightweight blanket is considered safe.

At what age can a baby sleep with you?

While many parents choose to co-sleep with their infants, the safest practice according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is for babies to sleep in the same room as their parents, but on a separate sleep surface, such as a crib or bassinet, for at least the first 6 months, ideally up to 12 months. This practice helps reduce the risk of SIDS. If parents choose to bring the baby into their bed, it’s important to follow strict safety guidelines to minimize risks.

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